What can I say. I couldn't be happier than how this year turned out. Not only did I run a half marathon, I ran three -- with a final PR at the Maine Coast Half (2:06: 23) a three days before my 41st birthday. I also achieved a new 5k PR (25:23 in September at Run for Ryan's Cup) and improved my 10k time by 68 seconds (54:35).
Races and times for the year...
Super 5k Lowell 26:06
Groton Road Race 27:02
Westford Road Race 27:56
Janis Bresnahan 26:53
Acton Nara Park 26:09
Run for Ryan's Cup 25:23
Devens Huff & Cuff 26:23
Miles for Myles 25:51
Ayer Turkey Trot 26:52
My average time for 5ks this year was 26:30.
Parker Road Race 43:46
Harvard MA 4th of July 45:28
Slattery's Turkey Trot 44:10
First Run Lowell (10k) 55:43
Tufts 10k for Women 54:35
Half Marathons
Marine Corps 2:10:07
Hollis Applefest 2:14:20
Maine Coast Half Marathon 2:06:23